Ms. Michelle DG Ariola, State Auditor IV, Audit Team Leader and Ms. Dolly Cristita P. Lingbaoan, State Audior V, Regional Supervising Auditor of Team R1-02, COA-Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office were awarded the Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award-Regional Award, an award given to outstanding civil servants for their exceptional contributions with nationwide impact on public interest, security and patrimony.  The award was given by the Civil Service Commission, Region I at the Diego Silang Hall,  Provincial Capitol, City of San Fernando, La Union last September 12, 2019 during the celebration of the 119th Philippine Civil Service Anniversary. 

The Audit Team uncovered the immense disregard of the erring Small Town Lottery Authorized Agent Corporations (STL AAC), to adhere to the STL Agreement on the Presumptive Monthly Retail Receipts (PMRR) totaling P773.7 Million.  As a result, there was a termination of STL Agreement and Authority to Operate of the erring STL AACs, forfeiture of cash bonds amounting to P225 Million, partial settlement of the PMRR shortfalls by P12 M in La Union and P1.639 Billion in Pangasinan and that total STL collections reached P21.976 Billion from January to October, 2018. 

Considering that the audit observation created a national impact, the audit observation was shared to co-auditors of PCSO. 

Congratulations Audit Team R1-02!   You have raised the bar of  excellence in the way the PCSO branches are audited nationwide.