COA Region I finally got the nod from the Provincial Government of Ilocos Norte (PGIN) under Provincial Resolution No. 015-2019 to use a 1,020 sq. m. lot in Brgy. 12, Laoag City  for its  PSAO  Building in Ilocos Norte.

A Usufruct Agreement for the lot was signed on November 28, 2019  by  Assistant Commissioner Adelina Concepcion L. Ancajas,  who represented COA Chairperson Michael G. Aguinaldo, and Governor Matthew Marcos Manotoc .

Assistant Commissioner Ancajas echoed Chairperson Aguinaldo’s advocacy  that the soon-to-be-PSAO building is a symbol of independence and interdependence between COA and government agencies and emphasized that state auditors in the province are the primary beneficiaries. She also conveyed her appreciation to the PGIN and to all those who made the event possible.

For his part, Gov. Manotoc remarked: “We look forward to an even better relationship with COA and please note that you are always welcome at our Capitol.”

According to Regional Director Bacani, this will be the fourth PSAO  building to be constructed  in Region I and he is hopeful that it will be constructed  soonest.